Getting overwhelmed by the news is an everyday struggle for those wishing to stay in touch with the latest news. Our newsletter should make it easier for those interested in pharmacovigilance regulations, advancement in the relevant use of artificial intelligence, and personal growth. Approaching with care, the same as we provide PV services, we thoughtfully pick articles every month to keep you updated.
EMA is celebrating 30 years of operations marking its evolving role at the centre of the European Union (EU) assessing and authorising safe, high-quality medicines for 450 million.
Even the best AI tools display cultural bias. So without knowing how to write culturally intelligent AI prompts, it's easy to end up with content that is not quite right for your intended audience.
FDA issued a proposed rule that, if finalized, would make cigarettes and certain other combusted tobacco products minimally or nonaddictive by limiting the level of nicotine in those products.
And much more...
EMA is celebrating 30 years of operations marking its evolving role at the centre of the European Union (EU) assessing and authorising safe, high-quality medicines for 450 million…, This is a European story to be proud of and to celebrate.
New fee regulation working arrangements
IRIS guide for applicants - How to create and submit scientific applications, for industry and individual applicants
Even the best AI tools display cultural bias. So without knowing how to write culturally intelligent AI prompts, it's easy to end up with content that is not quite right for your intended audience.
Clinicians and other workers in the healthcare delivery chain are always looking for ways to improve workflow. Similarly, hospital and health system leadership always desire new ways to develop their workforce – the same people hunting for better workflow. And all of these executives, caregivers and workers want to ensure their organizations are operating at the very peak for patient safety. Nothing is more important.
Many companies have been quick to provide new gen AI tools to their staff, but with varying take up among employees. Researchers at Deloitte hypothesized that a driving reason workers weren’t using these tools — and companies weren’t seeing strong ROI — was because employees lacked trust in the technology. The researchers decided to pilot a new program aimed at addressing what they call “the four factors of trust”: reliability, capability, transparency, and humanity.
FDA issued a proposed rule that, if finalized, would make cigarettes and certain other combusted tobacco products minimally or nonaddictive by limiting the level of nicotine in those products.
Confronting direct reports about performance issues can feel overwhelming, especially for first-time managers, who may worry that sharing critical feedback could damage their relationship with the employee. But performance conversations, especially where you need to give critical feedback, don’t have to be scary. There are a few common mistakes to avoid when giving critical feedback.
A new study from researchers at the Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University, which published in Nature Medicine on January 6, estimates that 2.2 million new cases of type 2 diabetes and 1.2 million new cases of cardiovascular disease occur each year globally due to consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages.
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